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For most of my time in Bristol I've been working in safety policy or safety management in one way or another. As part of this work, I took the Postgraduate Diploma in Safety Critical Systems Engineering at the University of York. To see what I'm up to in this field, have a look at my Safety pages.

I've been based in Bristol since 2002, initially working as a project manager - I've passed the (not particularly prestigious) APMP and APM Practitioner Qualification.

UPDATE Jul 08: I've paid my money and the APM have responded with some more letters to go after my name. I'm now officially a MAPM.

Graduate discussion group, looking at the possibilities for the military in a future devoid of Fossil Fuels.

Final graduate placement: London, doing research, analysis and web design in the heart of the capitol.

The first part of my graduate training was four months in Munich. It was interesting, considering I didn't previously speak any German, but fun too. I was working as a technical specialist, involved in procuring avionics systems for an international project.


My third year MEng design project. View the Report, Web Demo or Console Demo.